We would like to welcome you to Year 4.
We are a class that striving to become confident, determined and respectful.
There are 6 Palmer Powers which encapsulate the explicit qualities, values and principles we build in our pupils. Each half term celebrates a different power.
- Resilient
- Independent
- Focused
- Responsible
- Collaborative
- Enquiring
Download and read the Year 4 curriculum overview here:
Year 4 - Our Curriculum
Download and read the Spring 1 Curriculum Information for Year 4.
Summer 2 - Year 4
Summer 1 - Year 4
Spring 2 - Year 4
Spring 1 - Year 4
Autumn 2 - Year 4
Autumn 1 - Year 4
In Year 4 our teachers and support staff are:

Mrs M Shevill
Binch Class Teacher and Science Lead

Miss Haran
Pullman Class Teacher and Eco Council

Mrs C James
Year 4 LSA

Miss K Priest
Year 4 LSA

Mrs J Taphouse
Binch Class Teacher/HLTA
Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Thursday, so please ensure to bring in a PE kit in a bag for these days.
- Black shorts or track suit bottoms
- School house T shirt or plain white shirt
- Plain black hoodie or track suit jumper
- Trainers
Homework can be accessed using various websites.
- Reading every day and reading records signed on Boomreader
- Multiplication tables
- Maths homework on MyMaths website
- Spelling homework on Spelling Shed website
- Pupils can only be collected by one of the named adults on our pupil data Management Information System (MIS).
- Parents/carers can write to the school to change or add to this list.
- Siblings must be 16 years and over to collect and a signed and dated note must be on file.
- Walking home alone: only pupils in Year 5 and 6 can walk home alone. A singed and dated note from the parent/carer must be provided and kept in pupil file. Pupils are not allowed to walk home alone with younger siblings.
- Letters and newsletters will be sent to your email.
- Dinners and trips can be booked and paid via ParentPay.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to the class teacher.
- If your child has prescribed medication, please collect a Prescribed Medication Form from the office.
- If your child has asthma, please ensure to check their inhaler is not expired.