
At Palmer, we aim to instil in pupils a curiosity and fascination about history that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. They will have a good understanding of chronology through learning about Britain from the Stone Age to the present day as well a realisation of the rich history in their locality. They will have an appreciation of how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world and recognise how national and global historical events, and individuals in history, have shaped Britain and the world.

Pupils will develop a deep knowledge of the characteristics of ancient civilisations through studying the achievements and the rise and fall of the earliest empires. Our history curriculum will be taught through the theme of “overcoming adversity” where the children will explore what lessons have been learnt in progressing our civilisation and identifying the skills used to overcome challenges through time.

Our children will be introduced to key historic figures through time that have overcome adversities and had an impact on past and present. 

At Palmer, pupils will become skilled historians who can think analytically about history, recognise how contrasting interpretations of the past have been formed from a range of sources and interrogate how historical evidence is used to make assertions about the past. They will develop the skills of refining questions, making connections, drawing contrasts and analysing trends over time.

Pupils will be able to articulate their understanding of historical concepts such as continuity, change, causes and consequences, similarities, differences and historical significance, through imaginative forms of communication.


  1. History is taught through a progressive structure of historical eras as well as giving children opportunities to develop archaeological techniques, historical concepts, knowledge, skills, vocabulary and the attributes of a historian. As children progress through the school, they revisit appropriately sequenced historical knowledge, skills and vocabulary so that they are built on year-by-year and across projects. 
  2. Each topic gives pupils opportunities to develop their skills of enquiry, and the necessary skills to argue their point of view, by exploring historical concepts through undertaking high-quality research.  Historical investigations are designed to encourage pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift and debate arguments and develop perspective and judgement about the past in a philosophical and open manner. 
  3. Each unit begins with a diagnostic task for teachers to assess prior knowledge and ensure children have the opportunity to guide the learning to answer question they have past events. 
  4. Teachers will then use medium term plans which are centred around a big enquiry question, learning objectives and success criteria. 
  5. At least one lesson will focus on the powerful person identified for that topic. Powerful people should be seen on displays, discussed each lesson and used to hang topic knowledge on. 
  6. We build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years by beginning each lesson with a “Just Checking” page which draws on prior topics and helps to embed knowledge over time.
  7. Vocabulary for each unit is evidenced in the book at the beginning of the topic and is specifically taught and referred to through each lesson. This language will also be available in the children’s environment. 
  8. There is evidence of support and challenge for children through questioning, scaffolding and independent activities. Children are not pushed to future curriculum knowledge but instead their knowledge is stretched through the depth and application of activities planned. 
  9. Learning can be evidenced in a variety of different ways including pictures, posters, written work and diagrams and a particular focus on practical learning and enquiry. Children are provided with a variety of opportunities for historical learning inside and outside the classroom, including visiting experts, educational visits, fieldwork and residentials, all, of which, enhance the historical learning experience. 
  10. Appropriate curriculum-themed home learning tasks will be given out, which children complete with adults at home.


Our History curriculum is planned so that pupils have a good understanding of historical concepts, knowledge, skills and vocabulary that ensures they achieve age related attainment at the end of each Key Stage. 

Upon completion of each unit, teachers will assess children against the progression of historical concepts, knowledge and skills document. This assessment will then inform future “Just Checking” starters to ensure gaps are filled throughout the year. 

Useful Documents:

History KPIs

History Vocabulary

PRIMARY national curriculum - History

Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser

Anglo-Saxon knowledge organiser

Extraordinary Explorers Knowledge Organiser

Flint, Fire and Forage Knowledge Organiser

Groovy Greeks Knowledge Organiser

It's all about me Knowledge Organiser

Local Study - Deptford Knowledge Organiser

London's Burning Knowledge Organiser

Mills, Money, Mayhem Knowledge Organiser

Mysterious Maya Knowledge Organiser

Nurturing Nurses Knowledge Organiser

Off with her head Knowledge Organiser

Rampaging Romans Knowledge Organiser

Reach for the Skies Knowledge Organiser

Tribe Tales Knowledge Organiser

Violent Vikings knowledge organiser

Woeful WWII Knowledge Organiser