Welcome to the Palmer Academy's PE Department

PE Curriculum & Values

The PE department will deliver high quality lessons which are engaging, inclusive, well organised and fully equipped.

The children will develop a healthy competitive attitude both within a team and as individuals.

Children will be given the opportunity to participate in at least one extracurricular sports club.

All children to feel inspired by physical activity so that they will want to continue physical activity after they leave The Palmer Academy.

Children understand the benefits of physical activity, they will be encouraged to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

PE kit list

Indoor Kit

Outdoor Kit

House coloured t-shirt with the school logo on it. If you haven’t got a house t-shirt then your child should wear a round neck white t-shirt.

New joiners will be allocated a house team and will remain in that house team for their time at The Palmer Academy.

House coloured t-shirt with the school logo on it. If you haven’t got a house t-shirt then your child should wear a round neck white t-shirt.

New joiners will be allocated a house team and will remain in that house team for their time at The Palmer Academy.

Black shorts

Black jumper

Trainers or plimsolls

Black shorts or black jogging bottoms

No tights

Trainers or plimsolls

No jewellery (ear rings, bracelets, head bands, necklaces, hair clips, rings, watches) is to be worn as it can lead to injuries to themselves and to others.

No jewellery

Children are allowed to do indoor PE in their bare feet; this will be expected in indoor gymnastic lessons.  Indoor Kit

No tights


Year 2-6 will need shin pads and football socks for their hockey lessons.

Other Info

If children have long hair, they should use a hairband to tie it up.

If there any religious concerns over PE kit, please speak to your child’s teacher or a member of the PE staff.

If your child does not have correct PE kit they will be unable to take part in some of the practical lessons and be given alternative PE learning to compete.

The school does not sell any school uniform on site. To buy any items you will have to buy them at Stevensons. Your items can be purchased in store (11 Market Pl, Reading RG1 2EG), online (www.stevensons.co.uk) or over the phone (0118 959 6462).

Community Sports Clubs








