We would like to welcome you to Year 6.
We are a class that striving to become confident, determined and respectful.
There are 6 Palmer Powers which encapsulate the explicit qualities, values and principles we build in our pupils. Each half term celebrates a different power.
- Resilient
- Independent
- Focused
- Responsible
- Collaborative
- Enquiring
Download and read the Year 6 curriculum overview here:
Year 6 - Our Curriculum
Download and read the Spring 1 Curriculum Information for Year 6.
Summer 2 - Year 6
Summer 1 - Year 6
Spring 2 - Year 6
Spring 1 - Year 6
Autumn 2 - Year 6
Autumn 1 - Year 6
In Year 6 our teachers and support staff are:

Mrs K Nightingale
Horowitz Class Teacher
Drawn by Lola

Miss S Lewis
Lewis Class Teacher
Miss K McDonald
Year 6 LSA
Drawn by Charlie

Mrs D Pitt
Reception LSA and Year 6 LSA
Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Thursday, so please ensure to bring in a PE kit in a bag for these days.
- Black shorts or track suit bottoms
- School house T shirt or plain white shirt
- Plain black hoodie or track suit jumper
- Trainers
Homework can be accessed using various websites.
- Reading every day and reading records signed on Boomreader
- Multiplication tables
- Maths homework on MyMaths website
- Spelling homework on Spelling Shed website
- Pupils can only be collected by one of the named adults on our pupil data Management Information System (MIS).
- Parents/carers can write to the school to change or add to this list.
- Siblings must be 16 years and over to collect and a signed and dated note must be on file.
- Walking home alone: only pupils in Year 5 and 6 can walk home alone. A singed and dated note from the parent/carer must be provided and kept in pupil file. Pupils are not allowed to walk home alone with younger siblings.
- Letters and newsletters will be sent to your email.
- Dinners and trips can be booked and paid via ParentPay.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to the class teacher.
- If your child has prescribed medication, please collect a Prescribed Medication Form from the office.
- If your child has asthma, please ensure to check their inhaler is not expired.
School Rules
Be Ready
In Year 6 children need to be ready for mature, independent learning. This year we aim to ensure they are ready for their move towards secondary school and that they develop the confidence they need to take this next step. Children need to be ready with their reading books daily and their homework weekly to ensure they are able to make excellent progress in all areas.
Be Respectful
Year 6 are the role models for every student in the school and therefore we have high expectations of their respectful behaviour. In Year 6 there are plenty of opportunities for leadership roles within the school and this is an excellent time for children to show off their respectful attitude and manners.
Be Safe
Year 6 are setting the bar high for the school by showing safe behaviour at all times. Within the classroom children are expected to be modelling safe behaviour and ensuring the safe use of any resources we provide.