This week in Year 5, we have been doing tests and having to really focus on our Reading and Arithmetic skills. Our teachers, Miss Mulvenna and Miss Vink have been incredibly proud of how hard we have been working over the past few weeks and this has been showcased in our results this term. In Maths we have been focusing on perimeter and had to investigate how we can work out the measurements of shapes using information to find missing sides by having to use our spatial awareness and knowledge of the properties of shapes to determine its measurements. We continue to enjoy our music lessons learning the song, ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi. Perhaps some of us have been singing to our parents and performing this song at home?

Our Art lessons have been really inspiring and recently we investigated various art collage pictures by our powerful person, David Hockney and have used elements of his work to create our very own David Hockney inspiration collage. In Science we continue to be amazed by living things and thoroughly enjoyed our yeast experiment – observing how something can be dormant and with the right ‘ingredients’, it can be revived. We also created a dance movement sequence to remember the 7 life processes – perhaps something to be showcased at home? Our Ufton sessions helped us learn all about fire safety this week. We cannot believe we only have 2 weeks left of this term and look forward to all the festivities that it has to offer in the coming days.