The Year 4’s have had a really enjoyable 2 weeks back at school. We have learnt about equivalent, mixed and improper fractions. We have had an exciting week in Literacy because we have been retelling the story of the ‘Black Hat.’ The Year 4’s have really impressed us with the quality of their writing. In our afternoons, we have learnt about King Henry VIII and Tudor Faiths in RE. Our History lessons have been filled with new facts about the Romans and the Celts. We learnt about Boudicca and her brave fight against the Romans. We have been learning about states of matter in Science and we have done 2 exciting investigations this week. We investigated how skittles change the colour of water and we also investigated different materials melting at room temperature. Well done to all Year 4’s who are putting in such a fantastic effort into their learning and for the amazing costumes we saw on Red nose day.