It’s been a lovely first week of May in year one this week, albeit a short one! The children continued to learn about creating and adding equal groups in maths. In Writing, we innovated our own version of our springtime poems. In Science we continued to learn about the seasons and in geography we explored more features of the arctic. Ask your child to share with you any new words they learned this week. Can they explain to you what tundra is? In our reading lessons, we continue to develop our comprehension skills in the popular text Giraffe’s Can’t Dance, and in art we have been exploring all the beautiful sculptures that are made from clay. An exciting moment of our week was getting caught in the rainstorm during our PE lesson on Wednesday! Luckily, we all ran inside quite quickly before the hail came! In May and June, we will be exploring a range of poetry in our reading for pleasure time, so please engage your child with reading poetry at home (there are some brilliant Michael Rosen performances found on YouTube for children). Read, enjoy, and discuss poems and the features of poetry at home to help deepen your child’s understanding of the amazing genre of poetry! That’s all for this week, we hope everyone has a safe and joyful weekend!