This Week Reception have been learning what a blurb is and we have had a go at writing our own for the story Monkey Puzzle. In maths we have been using ‘jungle juice’ to learn about capacity. We have been busy creating lots of jungle animals using a range of materials. The children have enjoyed moving in a range of ways like jungle animals and learning some jungle dances.  We have also started to think about moving up to Year 1 and what it might be like.

We are moving on to look at some jungle animal fact files next week. If anyone has any good non-fiction jungle books they would like to share with us, feel free to send them in to school.

We are also starting to practise for our mini sports day. This will take place during the day and unfortunately, due to government restrictions, we will not be able to invite parents too this year. However, we will endeavour to take lots of photos and some videos to share with you on Tapestry, so watch this space!

We’re so nearly at the end of term, we are so proud of all the progress our little superstars have made, especially during such a tough year. They have worked so hard to catch up on missed learning and are in such a good place for starting Year 1 in September. Please do continue to read and practise maths, counting and phonics over the holidays to help ease the transition. Any questions, please do come and ask us. Keep up the fab work everyone!