Starting in 1987, Black History month has been celebrated annually in the UK every October. It is a month that allows us to shift our focus onto exploring and educating ourselves about the rich, diverse and often challenging history of Black people. It is important to celebrate Black History Month as in the past, history lessons have focussed on white and European units of history. It also builds respect between our pupils and allows us all to celebrate our differences and support each other.

At the Palmer Academy this year, our learning for Black History month will be centred around the Reading Black History Mural which can be seen just a short walk from the Oracle. If you have the chance, it would be fantastic if you could take your child to see the artwork up close. The learning around the mural will be taking place over the month so please ask your child all about it

Other ways you can celebrate Black History Month.

  • Read books by Black Authors/ exploring the stories of Black groups and individuals.
  • Listen to music by Black artists
  • Research and discuss powerful Black individuals