What an exciting term it has been in Year 6! We have just finished writing some motivational speeches in role as Earnest Shackleton – the great Antarctic explorer. We have consolidated learning on co-ordinates in Maths and have enjoyed learning about the aftermath of WWII in Britain which resulted in some brilliant presentation on the Windrush. We have really enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit this past week and have made some beautiful cards to bring home. Miss Gundry’s class even learned to sing their carol in German – just like during the Christmas truce in WWII when Britain joined in singing Silent Night with the German troops on the front line before stopping for a game of football.

We’ve also been given a log in to a new website: www.schoolonline.co.uk to practice SATs style questions. It has modelled answers and videos to guide us through the answers if we need them. Miss Gundry has told us to revisit all the fractions questions over the Christmas break as that is what we focused on in Maths this half term.

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas break, stays safe and returns refreshed in January.