We have had a brilliant week in Year 4! We have been learning all about The Romans in History and this week, we explored our Powerful Person Boudicca. We were inspired by her story of retaliation against The Romans and created wanted posters for her. Please take a look at some of our fantastic learning below!
In DT, our unit is called “On a Roll” and we are learning all about the process of making bread. We enjoyed trying some different types of bread and giving our opinions on them.
As you know, we will be having our Times table check next year. We are therefore asking you to ensure that your child is practicing their times tables daily, particularly focussing on fast recall. We are also having a real push on presentation in Year 4- if our learning looks neat it shows respect and care for our exercise books and our education. If you would like to practice helping your child with their handwriting and presentation at home, that would be much appreciated! Our stars of the week for next week will be the children who have shown the most progress with their presentation. Please see some examples of great presentation below. Thank you as always for your support.