Year 1 have had an exciting start to the year in our first topic ‘Pets pets pets!’. We have learnt so much about our pets and other animals including; naming different types of animals, identifying similarities and differences, naming and describing body parts, and exploring which animals are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We even got to meet Miss Caldwell’s Golden Retriever, Stevie!

We have enjoyed spending time with, and learning all about, our friendly Year 1 hamster, Olivia. The children produced some amazing non-fiction books, informing readers how to look after her.  They also wrote some fantastic riddles, including very clever clues. They even wrote a newspaper article, persuading readers that Olivia is the best school pet ever!

We also became storytellers this term, using the 'talk for writing' process to learn the story of ‘Six Dinner Sid’ by Inga Moore. The children created some brilliant story maps and put their all into acting out the story. The resulting writing blew us away and we cannot wait for parents to see the amazing progress that has already been made when they come to parents' evening!