Our School Council have been busy thinking of ways to improve our school and the lives of the people in it.

We have talked about our library, lessons and being healthy.

Our first aim is helping our school community make healthy choices and why that is important for them.

So, the Palmer Parliament’s first ‘secret’ mission was to survey the whole school’s packed lunches to see how many fruit and vegetables were being eaten. The children took ownership of this and walked around the dinner hall looking at the lunches in their year group. They created tallies and enjoyed having an important role! The older members kindly helped our youngest members.

The results were announced in an assembly together with some important messages about the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables such as improving our concentration and decreasing the risk of getting some illnesses.

They then surveyed the lunchboxes again with some excellent results; many classes had increased the number of fruit and vegetables consumed. We discussed statistical anomalies such as different days being more popular for packed lunches or children having already eaten their fruit or veg at break time.

Look out for posters and more information from the Palmer Parliament about the benefits of eating more fruit and vegetables. Some fruit and vegetable challenges will also take place in 2020!