Year 3 have had a very eventful term as we head into the Christmas holidays. We rounded off our topic of 'Scrumdiddlyumptious' with a trip to Bella Italia, where we put on our chef hats and made our own pizzas. We tried out lots of different toppings and were very happy with the outcome.
Our class book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, is nearly at an end and we have had several lucky golden ticket winners who have won Wonka Bars as a result of their hard work and effort in class learning. There are still several more tickets to be handed out so we are keeping our eyes peeled!
Finally, we headed off to the Natural History Museum, where we learned lots of new information. We saw fossils of extinct dinosaurs, travelled into outer space and even felt the moon! We were very excited to learn all about extinct animals and about the various mammals and birds in our world. There was so much information to take in!
This has certainly been an exciting term and we are looking forward to the new one!