This term, Year 5 have been studying the Tudor era and all that this includes. The children particularly enjoyed learning about Henry VIII and his six wives. (They'd be happy to give you a rendition of the wives song should you ask them!)

To finish off our term we went to Ufton Court and experienced the life of a Tudor civilian in an environment that was very important during the Tudor era. The children completed their daily chores, including: starting fires, grinding wheat, milking the animals, weaving fences and twisting wool.

After successfully completing their chores, the children experienced a Tudor trial where Ben (our harsh judge) listened to many trials and relied on the jury to recommend some gruesome Tudor punishments.

After lunch, the children used their enquiry skills to discover the use of Tudor artefacts and some children's guesses were so close! Finally we enjoyed the afternoon sun by playing Tudor games in the gardens.

All in all we learned so much about the daily life of Tudors and consolidated our term of learning!