In Nursery this term, we have been learning to answer questions about stories and trying to talk about the characters, settings and events. We have been reading 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Gingerbread Man'.

This term we have asked parents and carers to download the app '50 Things To Do Before You Are 5'. The aim of the app is to improve children's speaking by giving them something fun to talk about. Below are some of the activities our families have chosen to do. 

"From the '50 Things' app, we chose to do mark-making, painting and colouring. We used paint, chalk, crayons and colouring pencils to make pictures on hard boards. We enjoyed exploring how to make her marks colourful." Number 4: Make your Mark

"I downloaded the '50 Things' app and picked activity Number 27: Little People Park Keeper. We went to Dinton Pastures Country Park and observed the ducks on the lake. We had fun playing in the playground and returned home - with muddy wellies and new vocabulary - like lake, ducks, cold, trees, wind, slide, see saw, fence."

"At home we talked about Storm Ciara and watched the rain and wind from the window. We decided to wrap up and go outside and feel how strong the wind was and jump in the puddles that were forming. She said 'the wind is pushing me back, like on a swing!' As she jumped in puddles she was shouting 'splish, splash!' She also enjoyed rolling on the wet grass in the wind, pretending the wind was rolling her. We threw leaves in the air and we watched where they blew to. Although it was cold and wet, we had fun!"