From Stone Age to Healthy eating!

This term our history topic is The Stone Age. We wowed our teachers with our incredible home projects, where we chose how we wanted to present our research. They are now proudly on display in our classroom!

In school, we have been writing diary entries as if we were a Stone Age child. We used resources independently to edit and improve our work before publishing it on special paper.

As part of our science topic, we have been learning all about nutrition and healthy eating. Another part of our homework was to plan and cook (with the help of our adults) a healthy, balanced meal. We all had so much fun doing this and impressed ourselves with our delicious end results.

This has been an exciting week in Year 3. We have been learning short multiplication in Maths and have had some great successes. We practise our times tables daily and have even been listening to some rap songs about times tables. In Music, we have been studying folk songs. We have learned how to appraise music, listen for different instruments and find the pulse of a song. In English, we have been working on our Stone Age Diaries, which has culminated in a Big Write this week! Our Art lessons have been focussing on Picasso and collages. We have been exploring different art works and are now beginning to plan and create our own. Stay tuned for some fabulous pieces of art coming your way.

Libby and Finley Year 3 Benjamin