We have done lots of amazing learning in Year 4. This week we have learnt how to multiply 3-digit numbers by a 1 digit number using formal methods. We can see by all the work we have received by the Year 4 children, that they are making fantastic progress with their maths. In English, we have been learning about the features of a newspaper reports and children have worked hard at their direct and indirect speech. We are looking forward to seeing how your newspaper reports turn out next week! We have also had lots of fun learning French this week. In Art, we have received some wonderful sketches of various types of weaves from different cultures. In DT we constructed paper greenhouses and focused on how to create the perfect greenhouse with stability and structure. Well done to all the year 4’s who are in school and at home. You are doing a fantastic job with all your learning. Here is some of the work we have received this week.