Year 2 have been working very hard both in our school bubble and at home. We have been so impressed with all the great work being sent to us and the different learning experiences happening at home. This week in Year 2 we have been dividing in maths and linking this to our multiplication. In writing we have completed our innovations of the story ‘through the woods’ and we have loved reading about all the different characters the children have created. In geography we carried on learning about maps and created maps of our homes. In science we began to explore how plants can grow from bulbs and how they change through the seasons. In Art we started to draw still life pictures using household items. In R.E we began to explore the Easter Story and learnt about Spring and new beginnings which hopefully are on their way! Well done Year 2. We look forward to seeing you accessing the teams home learning next week! Keep sending work to [email protected] too.