It has been a wonderful week of learning for Year 5. We have been very impressed with children logging onto Teams and completing their quizzes and assignments online. They have impressed us with their computer skills, many using features to highlight and design their work in order to present it neatly. Thank you to the parents who have been ensuring their children’s work is sent to us teachers to view.

Over the week we have been exploring our inference skill in Reading and this has been pleasing to see children challenge themselves to answer these types of questions. We were impressed by their ability to read the text carefully in order to support their answer using evidence from the text. In Maths, we revised our decimal and place value understanding. Many children rose to the challenges of the quizzes that were created for them to complete on Teams. In Literacy we have explored persuasive leaflets and we have enjoyed seeing the children’s story maps. We continue to explore and learn about Japan in Geography and we loved the beautiful post cards that were sent to us informing us about Japan’s natural features as if they were tourists reporting on their sightseeing adventures.

As always, the Year 5 teachers are incredibly proud of the children. Shout outs to Bryant, Mason, Mia, Kara, Alemnji for super work this week! Here is some awesome work we have received.