At Nursery this week the children have been learning about representing numbers. We have been singing the song ‘I have a number in my bag’, picking a number out and then representing the number on whiteboards with lines and circles. The children at home and at school have been trying really hard. Well done everyone!
Nursery Home Learning Shout Outs
At home Leo has made a ‘rip, stick and crumple collage’ of the Valley from our story of The Three Billy goats Gruff. Well done Leo!
Well done to Ivanna, Siri, Shreenika, Wynford, Lasemi, Leo, Mason and Neyati for adding home learning to Tapestry every day.
Well done to Elvin, Bonnie, Bao, Aizah, Heavenly, Ollie, Islay, Theo, Gerald, Denise, Hridyesha and Alex for adding home learning at least once a week.
Please remember that the expectation for home learning is that at least one observation is added a day to show your child’s learning.
We have lots of families logging on but not posting observations onto Tapestry. Tapestry have a YouTube page with lots of helpful video on how to post observations, how to use the web browser and app especially for Parents. To access this please click on the link below: