This week in English we have started to learn how to wash a woolly mammoth! The children have enjoyed listening to the hilarious instructions, making a list of all the things they would need to collect to wash him and made a story board to explore the events in order. We look forward to hearing their own ideas about other animals they could wash, when they get an opportunity to create the instructions and make them their own!
In Maths we have been focusing on recapping how to use both a number line and a part whole model using some fun physical resources. This led to some fantastic learning using the addition symbol for the first time!
As well as this we have continued our Science focus of Seasons, and our Geography topic of ‘On the farm’.
Year 1 classes have either been enjoying listening to, learning about and using instruments to play along with new hip hop songs in music, or exploring different computing skills on the ipad’s - both of which have been a hit in our afternoons! Well done for another fantastic week Year 1.