25 November 2021

Image of Year 3 Highlights

This week in Year 3 we have been looking at poetry in English. We have been reading a Pie Corbett poem about candlelight which uses personification, alliteration and rhyme. Hopefully the children can remember the poem to recite to you and tell you what these features mean! We have also been learning about the three periods of the Stone Age – the Paleolithic, the Mesolithic and the Neolithic periods – and we’ve learnt a little about the introduction of farming and how this changed the way people lived. We have also been learning about a balanced diet in science and what a healthy plate might look like. We even got to make some models out of plasticine – see below for some fab examples. We continue to be impressed by the hard work, determination and drive of the children in our classes, and we are grateful for the support they are getting at home with completing their homework too, thank you parents.

Year 3 Highlights 26/11/21