We have had a brilliant start to the term in year 3! We have all returned to school refreshed and ready with a fantastic attitude for learning. In maths we have been focusing on our multiplication and division and with our determination we are doing an excellent job at multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers with a 1-digit number! We have enjoyed writing a non-chronological report about dragons in writing and produced some lovely work!
In geography we are looking at our topic ‘Where does our food come from” and have created some lovely comic strips detailing the journey of a banana from growth to our stores. Our science topic this term is plants, this week we have planted some seeds, which we will be watching grow!
Many of our children have done a good job completing their homework and are bringing their reading records ready for a new book. Please carry on encouraging your children to do their TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and MyMaths, and encourage them to read weekly, completing their AR quiz after each book.