14 January 2022

Image of Year 5 Highlights

Year 5 have made a great start to the new by returning to school with a such positive attitude. They have demonstrated such resilience as they’ve readjusted to our school day and we are very proud of them. Many children have completed their homework this week but we had quite a few that needed reminding. Please encourage them to do this at home as it really does have an impact on their learning. All children should be completing: TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Mymaths and reading weekly.

This week, Year 5 have been learning all about plants in Science. We dissected flowers so we could investigate how pollination takes place. It was such fun! In French, we have been learning all about food and how to describe which foods we do and don’t like. We played a board game to practise our vocabulary and got very competitive.

Year 5 Highlights 14/01/21