Year One have had a wonderful week! We’ve learnt about a new genre of writing called non-chronological reports (and have had lots of fun trying to pronounce it correctly!). Our modelled text ‘The Time of the Dinosaurs’ included lots of exciting facts – some that we already knew and some that shocked us! We are all looking forward to innovating next week and choosing a new animal to research facts on and write about. In maths we have been revisiting fact families and comparing number sentences. We have been really impressed with the progress we have seen – keep it up superstars! In science we have been enjoying exploring our environment and identifying which materials objects in our classroom are made from. Why not try going on a materials hunt at home and see what you can find!

Please can we remind everyone of the importance of listening to your child read daily at home. At this early stage of learning to read, reading the same book more than once is extremely beneficial for building up fluency skills and confidence. Year 1 book changing day is Thursday. Thank you for your support in this.