It has been another exciting week in Reception this week, we had great fun during yoga and learnt lots of new poses and breathing techniques to help us feel calm. Also, to celebrate Mental Health week, we have been making emotions stick puppets using different colours to represent different feelings. During our topic this week we have started looking at the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We have been thinking about the characters and the setting to prepare ourselves for the story maps we will be creating next week. This is one of our favourite stories in Reception and the children are already experts at retelling it! In maths we have been continuing to practice using part-part whole diagrams and number sentences when combining two groups of objects, something which we have become much more confident with! Just a quick reminder to parents that all children in Reception should bring their reading book into school with them every day. Homework should be brought into school in homework folders on a Wednesday, thank you.