We have been continuing with our new Topics in Year 3 and really getting stuck in! We are becoming rock experts in Science, trying to identify different types of rocks, finding out about their properties and also learning lost about what fossils are and how they are made. In history, we have been learning about Egyptian Hieroglyphics which was an ancient way of writing. If anyone fancies creating some messages for their classmates to crack at home, please do! We also went digging in sand to find ancient Egyptian artefacts and deciding what they were used for! We’ve also been enjoying International Women’s Week, where we learned about Malala Yousafzai and Serena Williams, amongst others; and this week we’ve loved celebrating Red Nose Day. Thank you to everyone for your donations too.

Please remember to complete your homework each weekend – there is always a piece of MyMaths, an activity on EdShed, and we would love to see activities on TTRS and GoRead.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at Parents’ Evening next week, don’t forget to make an appointment if you haven’t already.