22 March 2022

Image of Reception Highlights

We are continuing to watch our caterpillars on their journey to becoming butterflies and have been amazed at how quickly they have changed. Most of them are now at the chrysalis stage a we are predicting when they will emerge as butterflies.

We had great fun during our outside learning time looking for things in the school grounds that we had spotted on an aerial photograph - things looked quite different! Whilst outside we collected materials to use with playdough to make a home for a minibeast, some of the children are hoping that we can make a tree for our butterflies to sit in when they finally emerge!

In maths we have been exploring 3D shapes and working out which shapes will stack easily and why others will not. Our mapping theme has continued with the story of 'What the Ladybird heard' and we've had great fun thinking up alternative animal sounds to confuse the burglars.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday 28th March to Rushall farm and would like to remind you that we will be outside for most of the day so a warm coat is needed and it is likely that the children will also need wellies. Thank you.

Reception Highlights 18/03/22