What a wonderful week it has been for our lovely Year 4 learners. The children have really impressed us with their attitude towards assessment week- a time to show off their skills, knowledge and understanding. We are proud of their progress so far this year and excited to see how much further they progress in the Spring term!

In our afternoon sessions, we have been learning all about Roman Gods and Goddesses in History- please see some of our fantastic learning below! We have also really enjoyed exploring the library as part of our reading sessions. We read a book from this term’s book collection which is all about Diversity and Celebrating differences. In Year 4, we are having a real push on wearing the correct school uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing black school shoes and a school jumper. If you need any further assistance with this, please speak to our lovely office staff.

Remember to keep practicing those times tables as the MTC is fast approaching! If your child uses TTrockstars, please ask them to complete Garage as it will give us a clear indication of the tables they need extra help with. Many thanks as always for your support!