16 October 2023

This term in Nursery has been amazing!
We have enjoyed getting to know our new friends this term and have settled well into Nursery life. We have learnt so much this term and have had the most amazing time ever! We are getting used to the rules, and routines, and our teachers are very proud of us!
We have loved our outdoor learning and look forward to it on Friday’s! This term, we have focused on the rules of the outdoor area, how to look after our environment, and how to stay safe and protect nature. We love spending time there and using sticks, leaves, and other natural objects to make marks in the dirt as well as jumping in puddles!
In Topic, we have been doing ‘All About Me’. We have been thinking about our physical appearance (such as our hair colour, eye colour and skin colour), what we like and dislike, the parts of our body, and our senses! We have also used this to help us think about how we are different to our friends and have had wonderful conversations about how amazing it is to be the same and different to our friends! This has led to a lot of beautiful artwork being created, individually and with friends!
Additionally, we have had the best time doing Jigsaws and have learnt so much! We have learnt the ways in which we can help to be a good friend, as well as what to do if we aren’t feeling the best. We have also learnt the ways that we can fill our bucket, and how to help our friends or teachers who are in need.
In Maths, we have been counting and exploring the different ways to count. We have used a variety of methods such as clapping, using objects, and using dice, to help us count. We are becoming amazing counters!
In Phonics we have been thinking about sound and have enjoyed exploring the different types of sounds that we can make with our bodies, what types of sounds we can make with instruments or objects, as well as what type of sounds we can hear in our school environment. We have really enjoyed Phonics this term and cannot wait to start our letters next term!
Also, we have really enjoyed our music sessions with Lizzie, who comes to visit us every Monday! Lizzie always has exciting activities for us to do, and we have loved having her this term and cannot wait for her to come back next term and do more exciting activities with us!
We hope that everyone has a great half term, and we cannot wait for next term and to learn more!