Dinton Pastures

As we are part of a family of schools under the trust, Reach 2, we are set the task to deliver 11 promises of experiences to your child before they reach the age of 11. For the Year 4 children, one of these promises is the opportunity to become “Hiking Heroes”. To fulfil this promise, we went on a trip to Dinton Pastures! At Dinton Pastures, the children took an educational walk around a lake, enjoyed the community feel of a picnic lunch and got to explore the adventure playground!


In science, we have been learning about states of matter. We have learned that there are three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Solids, liquids and gases are made up of particles but act in very different ways. To understand this better we went out on the playground and ‘acted’ like the different particles. The particles of a solid were densely packed together, liquid’s particles were close together but were able to move more freely, and gas particles could move about everywhere. Can you guess which states we are acting like in each picture?


The children have been focusing on place value and then using this knowledge to add and subtract, we've had great fun using counters, dienes and whiteboards to help our learning. We also spent some time learning how to set out column addition/subtraction nice and neatly to show off our learning.

Black History Month:

As part of Black History Month, we learnt about the amazing impact that Madam C J Walker had on the beauty industry, making herself the first black, self-made millionaire in the world. Inspired by this, we were entrepreneurs ourselves and built our own businesses. We even recorded a tv advert for our products!