What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had in Year 6. Without doubt, Year 6 have settled-in well to their new routines and have stepped-up to being the new school role models impressively.
We’ve appointed our House Captains:
Anning – Divine and Hanifa
Hawking – Andrew and Daria
Jenner – Annali and Obed
Turing – Chloe and Fatima
This half term, our topic has been World War 2 and we started it off with a workshop in school where we explored many different elements of WW2. We completed a fact hunt, looked at first aid in WW2, tried our hand at fire-fighting with stirrup pumps, had a go at extinguishing ‘a bomb’ with sand bags and transporting it to a safe place with a shovel and hoe. During the day we got to listen to a real air raid siren and handle many artefacts that are normally kept behind glass.
We carried on with the same theme in Science and learned about how light reflects by making our own periscopes.
In the third week of October, some of our Year 6 children went on a residential trip to PGL Liddington. It was enormous fun! They learned how to use harnesses and work as a team to break through barriers and achieve their personal goals. Many of our children pushed themselves to the limit and flourished with newfound independence. Here are just a few snaps from the week.