Reception have enjoyed learning about the different traditional stories and fairy tales in their 'Once upon a time...' topic. To start the topic off, we had a story-telling workshop, where we had to explore and find clues to work out the story. We enjoyed making our own gingerbread men and decorating them too!

We have been retelling and acting out the stories in our play as well as writing about them. We have enjoyed learning how to use the 'beebots' to navigate across the storyboard. In Maths, we have been learning the meaning of length, height, weight and capacity; we have used these concepts to order different objects. 

Finally… many thanks to Miray’s family for their brilliant fund raising idea at the end of last term – the Reception Charity Shop raised over £100 for the 'Australian Fire Fund' and 'Compassion' – an organisation that provides disadvantaged Ethiopian children with an education.

A very BIG THANK YOU for all your generous donations and help in setting it up – especially Harmony’s Mum and Eirini’s Mum. Wow – what an amazing achievement and excellent example of good citizenship for our young Palmer children.

Thank you to the parents that have contributed to their child’s tapestry profile. It has been lovely to see what the children get up to at home. We would love to see more, so please do upload any picture, videos or comments. 

Thank you!

The Reception team