Wow! What a week we have had in Year 6. We began the week by taking part in a Victorian school room in History. Miss Gundry and Miss Thomassen were very strict. We learned about what children would be taught and how they would be expected to behave in the classroom – We had to stand to answer a question and sit with our hands behind our backs. We recited a text, practiced our handwriting and completed some maths on pounds, shillings and pence. Using our experience, we then compared the day to a modern school day. We much prefer life at The Palmer Academy.

In Science, we continued to look at the circulatory system and carried out an investigation into how exercise affected our heart rate. We concluded that, in order to keep our muscles oxygenated, our heart rate must increase. We enjoyed working together in groups to plan and carry out the investigation. In responding to feedback, we thought about how this might also affect our breathing.

In maths, we finished our work on fractions and completed end of unit assessments. We have been working so hard on improving our understanding of fractions and using bar models to support us.

Elsewhere in the curriculum, we have enjoyed the creativeness of playing instruments along to jazz music and exploring, analysing creative works in Art, ahead of us planning our own portraits.