Year 1 have had another fantastic week of hard work! Firstly, a massive congratulations to all the children for doing fantastically well in their phonics assessment this week. Nearly everyone has managed to improve on their scores since last time which is amazing, and we are very proud of you all, keep it up Year 1! As well as this, we have also continued our learning on volume and capacity this week. Involving some very fun activities with pouring and measuring water. In English we have been continuing our work on the newspaper article, ‘Break in at the three bears house’, which we have innovated to the three wolf instead. We cannot wait to see what characters the children come up with on their own next week. And look forward to seeing more fantastic writing from them all, as we have seen this week already. We also continued our learning on our powerful person for history, Neil Armstrong. This included writing a fact file about him after going on a fact hunt, and then making some models of Apollo 11!